Risk Assessment
Risk Assessments, both daily and dynamic, are an integral part of all trips.
Though done formally by Trip Leaders, all individuals who are joining the trip should ask themselves:
Is this trip suitable for me i.e. is my personal skill level, fitness and experience appropriate for the proposed trip and forecast weather conditions?
Have I taken suitable precautions to minimise the risk to both myself and others? Such as wearing adequate clothing and carrying safety equipment that I have trained with and am comfortable using?
NB: Everyone, whatever their paddling ability and experience, should be vigilant and unafraid to highlight risks to either themselves and/or other paddlers.
The purpose of risk assessment is not to eliminate all risk but to think about the hazards of a particular activity and decide what is acceptable.
The Health & Safety Executive says that a (workplace) risk assessment is "nothing more than a careful examination of what could cause harm to people so that you can weigh up whether you have taken enough precautions or should do more to prevent harm...
1. Identify potential hazards.
2. Decide who might be harmed, and how.
3. Evaluate the risks and decide whether existing precautions are adequate or more should be done.
4. Remember the findings.
5. Revise the assessment if circumstances change.

Langstone Harbour Entrance - safety notes
An annotated view of Langstone Harbour entrance - the area regularly used for club training activities; drawing attention to particular areas of interest and hazard to kayaks.
Portsmouth Harbour Risk Assessment
Created in 2018 at the request of QHM to cover activities within the Portsmouth Harbour area. The assessment it contains is also applicable to wider club activities.