Paddling & Learning
Mondays Training sessions
Throughout British Summertime there are outdoor training sessions at wither Tipner or Eastney on Monday evenings 7pm to dusk.
These sessions take place in Langstone or Portsmouth Harbour which are ideal learning environments. With a variety sea and tidal conditions and easy launching whatever height of the tide you can develop your skills and experience over the Summer.
Wednesday Evening Shorter Paddles
Wednesday evenings offer another opportunity to do some mid-week paddling. During BST, these paddles are from 6.30pm to dusk at a variety of locations around the Portsmouth area. Details are provided in the newsletter and updates will be published via the Email Group.
Once you are a little more experienced you may wish to join one of these paddles which continue through the Winter months. Though there is significant ambient light, these are classed as night-time paddles. All round white lights must be visible from 360º is required to comply with Maritime Regulations (Col Regs).
Winter Pool Sessions
Winter indoor sessions are held at Eastney Pool for you to perfect your roll or try out kayaking for the first time in warm clear water.
Weekends and Trips Away
The Club runs a comprehensive programme of Saturday or Sunday trips throughout the year along with weekend trips to Devon, Cornwall and Wales.
There are also week long club trips. In the past the Club has visited Devon, Pembrokeshire, Skye, Milos, Brittany and Sweden.
Some members attend external symposiums at home and abroad, or regularly surf local beaches and well known locations.
Check the Trip list in the Members area for the most up to date details of what's on offer.
More details about skill levels, safety equipment etc. are posted in the Members Area under the Which Trip? section):
A – Easy. Typically 6Nm or less at the pace of the slowest paddler.
B – Intermediate. More than 7Nm at a normal paddling pace of 3 knots.
C – Intermediate conditioned. 12Nm or more at a normal paddling pace of 3knots/hr. These may involve open water crossings and are suitable only for regular paddlers.
D – Advanced. Suitable for experienced paddlers only, may include long open water crossings.
Kayaking is an enjoyable and exciting sport. The Club intends to make the sport as safe as possible. However, participation can only be on the basis that there is recognition that there are risks associated with any water based activity, particularly on the open sea. Membership of the club provides a framework and support to reduce these risks to a minimum.
1. Sea kayaks are essential for trips graded as C and D.
2. Any paddling more than 1/2 Nautical Mile (Nm) offshore requires paddlers to hold the Club Proficiency Award or demonstrable equivalent. Trip leaders like to have paddled with participants beforehand.
3. Trip Leaders always reserve the right to re-grade trips depending on forecast weather conditions.